M365 - Enable Organization Customization
The powershell command Enable-OrganizationCustomization is used to enable customization of certain object in your Exchange Online organization.
You may need to run this command before you can create or modify role groups, role assignment policies, sharing policies, etc.
A good example: If you want to enable or disable external email forwarding or sharing of calendar and contact information with another domains, you first need to run this command.
So, here’s what you need to do to enable Organization Customization:
Open a powershell prompt
Connect to Exchange Online, using the following command:
Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName youraccount@yourdomain.com
Now, run the command:
Wait some seconds, sometimes a couple of minutes
Now you can run the following command to view the status:
Get-OrganizationConfig | fl IsDehydrated
If it’s “False“ you’re good to go, if “True“ you need to wait something like 15 minutes to take effect
And…you’re done.
Note: It happened me once, that running the command didn’t work out, and I needed to open a support request to Microsoft to unblock it.